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Mango Value Chain Development In Drought Prone Pellow Conservancy

Increased effects of climate change in Kenya has caused extreme drought, famine and food insecurity to several households in ASAL areas. Drought has adverse effects on crop plantation thus causing food supply. However, there are drought resilient crops and fruit trees that can withstand drought and erratic rainfall patterns in these areas like Mango.  Mango has a large ecological adaptation to stressful environments and has physiological mechanisms to fight against these environments. The mango tree in its large diversity and genetic nature is boon to face harsh climate changes in selection and breeding.

Pellow Conservancy located in the lowlands of West Pokot County is part of the ASAL places and the inhabitants mainly rely on livestock keeping which gets affected as well during the drought period. Under the Ustahimilivu program, mango production was targeted to the area to improve food security. Cefa and E4Impact foundation are layering in this value chain development. To promote mango production, Cefa established a modern tree nursery to encourage purchase and production by the locals.

E4Impact Foundation organized the locals into 12 producer groups and trained them on business modelling and enterprising along the value chain.

Group champion farmers, and mango group representatives including Kalya, Mkus, Talon, Nasolot, Kruteswo among other groups were trained on Market and Market linkages where the social enterprises will create trade relationships with their clients, local markets and cooperatives, and the external market on mango fruits and seedlings. Expanding through trade and connecting to new markets transforms their livelihoods.

The training supported under the USTAHIMILU program, funded by EU, aims to improve market linkages by integrating the Mango value chain, and increasing market accessibility, and enabling smallholder farmers to attract and negotiate with larger buyers.

By Dorcas Yano,

Project Officer

E4Impact Foundation

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