Short Courses
About the trainings
AsE4Impact Kenya continues to build impact entrepreneurs through the acceleration and incubation programs, support the startups, innovation, and entrepreneurship ecosystem, and create impact through multilateral projects, the involved experts have progressively noticed gaps that our short courses seek to cover. The courses being offered currently, in collaboration with the Foundation and expert trainers, are:
This course is designed to help Individuals, NGOs, FBOs, Enterprises, Projects Managers and Business Development Trainers to build businesses and create projects that are feasible, relevant and effective.
The Global MBA in Impact Entrepreneurship (MBA) is a postgraduate program that guides aspiring entrepreneurs, start uppers and corporate managers in developing and scaling up entrepreneurial projects.
We work with Human Resources teams of top companies and startups to understand their needs, and then teach you the most requested skills. With Develhope you will have the necessary training to start a successful career.