About the Project
ARABIKA stands for Action to Relaunch Agriculture and Branding Internationalization of Kenyan Coffee, in and out of Africa. It is a 36 monthly long project (for the first phase) that seeks to intervene in the coffee supply chain by acting on the quality improvement component, on the capacity of organization and management by the producer cooperatives, and on the marketing and quality improvement component of the final product; hence attracting different and more profitable markets.
The ARABIKA project is presented by CEFA European Committee for Training and Agriculture (Lead Partner), and AVSI (Co-Executor) in collaboration with E4Impact and Etimos as partners. CEFA began operating in Kenya in 1990, with projects on food security, nutrition, rural development, and rehabilitation/ construction of production infrastructures (irrigation canals and systems, food processing and processing units, etc.) oriented towards the support of small agricultural producers, rural communities, and the most vulnerable sections of the population. The organization has a presence in most counties in Kenya mainly through projects in collaboration with the EU and AICS,
This project is being implemented in 7 counties; 6 traditional coffee farming counties ( Kiambu, Murang’a, Nyeri, Embu, Meru, Machakos) and one county (Bungoma), in the western region.