We have scaled up since E4Impact joined us in 2021. When we started working together, we were operating as an association with 126 members. Under their guidance, we registered as a Livestock Marketing Cooperative and we have since grown our members to 608. Further, we were able to fundraise a grant of KES. 10M through proposal development supported by E4Impact; the grant is currently facilitating building of a feedlot to fatten goats and sheep. We are very grateful as a cooperative and we hope other cooperatives will follow suit for the prosperity of our people” – Mr. Nguno, Ngaremara Livestock Cooperative
Isiolo county, the center of Kenya geographically, is famous in pastoralism and production of camel milk; a rare and yet medicinal commodity to many. Livestock production accounts for 80% of the county’s economic activities, and majority of inhabitants in the county highly depend on the sector for their livelihoods. However, effects of climate change have resulted to extended drought and unpredictable rainfall patterns which eventually has contributed to low productivity and high livestock mortality. The situation has disrupted the lifestyle and livelihood of pastoralists and majority of the residents living in the area. This has forced the populace and stakeholders to seek innovative solutions to cope. One of the most impactful ways has been joining social groups, like cooperative societies, where members of the community facing common challenges come together to address the problem(s) and better their lives. E4Impact Foundation has become a cornerstone in the success of such groups in Isiolo County through enterprise development of self-help groups and cooperatives in a value chain approach. E4Impact is working with cooperatives in promoting climate smart agriculture in five (5) value chains under the DRIC project; an EU-funded project focused on creating a Drought Resilient Isiolo County (DRIC) through diversified and sustainable farming.
Under the livestock value chain, E4Impact has supported fourteen cooperatives through development of sustainable business models, and market and financial linkages. The focus is to achieve sustainable growth, with the aim of building community resilience in the county. E4Impact has held several trainings to livestock and camel milk cooperatives, organized exchange visits and trade fairs. These efforts were aimed at spurring growth of cooperatives, and increasing membership so that livestock farmers can get access to ready and sustainable markets and access to other financial services such as credit and saving services.
Evolution and technological advancements together with climate change effects, requires that cooperatives should consistently update their business models and adjust to new climate smart interventions to stay afloat. Feed lot, and fodder production are among the approaches promoted by E4Impact through the DRIC project; an approach where animals can be kept and fed in fattening centers to improve quality and price as well as reduce on time to look for pasture and water under traditional grazing. This approach has yielded results and as at now, a number of cooperatives are adjusting by implementing the proposed interventions in fighting climate change.
Ngaremara Livestock Cooperative is one of the success stories in the county. It was established in 2021 as a Livestock off take cooperative with E4Impact interventions. It is a pioneer Cooperative in setting up a feedlot worth KES. 10 Million, and the funds were secured through proposal writing to KESSAP. The feedlot is expected to hold 600 goats and 400 sheep at a ago. This is an effort to improve the members’ livestock quality through fattening before marketing at competitive price. Oldonyiro, Merit and Isiolo livestock marketing societies have also set aside land and plans to set up a feedlot are underway. The adoption of feedlot in livestock production will not only increase the quality and revenue but also contribute to improved security in the region which is expected to spur trade and consequently improve the economy of the region.
Speaking during a best-practices exchange visit organized between Marsabit and Isiolo cooperatives, Mr. Nguno from Ngaremara Livestock Cooperative, highlighted the importance of adopting climate smart agriculture in livestock production; “We have scaled up since E4Impact joined us in 2021. When we started working together, we were operating as an association with 126 members. Under their guidance, we registered as a Livestock Marketing Cooperative and we have since grown our members to 608. Further, we were able to fundraise a grant of KES. 10M through proposal development supported by E4Impact; the grant is currently facilitating building of a feedlot to fatten goats and sheep. We are very grateful as a cooperative and we hope other cooperatives will follow suit for the prosperity of our people.”
This exchange visit which was organized by E4Impact aimed at creating Strategic Livestock Marketing Networks between the two counties. This will enhance efficient utilization of Isiolo abattoir; under construction. The abattoir is expected to have the capacity to process 1000 goats, 200 cows and 100 camels daily. According to the Ministry of Trade and Industrialization, the project is funded by State’s Vision 2030 economic stimulus program and is expected to be operational by end of August 2023.
Drought Resilient in Isiolo County (DRIC) is a project, funded by the European Union in Isiolo County-Kenya and implemented by a consortium of five organizations (WeWorld, SOMIRENEC, CCM, VSF-Suiss & E4impact) where E4impact is implementing Business & Enterprise Development related activities.
By Ekea Leonard
DRIC Project Officer, Business Trainer & Coach – E4Impact